Our collaborators provide us with training and assistance and access to their instrumentation:
- M. Cindrić, RBI, Zagreb: biological sample preparations
- G. Pabst, Uni Graz: polyelectrolytes, SAXS
- S. Tomic, IFZ, impedance analyzers
- F. Livolant, Uni Paris XI, Orsay, France: DNA and proteins condensed phases, sample preparations
- J. Raedler, LMU, Munchen: transport & diffusion, FCS instrument access
- P. Hinterdorfer, JKU, Linz: AFM, single molecule force spectroscopy training
We also benefit from discussions with our colleagues, theoreticians:
- A.S. Smith, Uni Nuernberg-Erlangen
- R. Podgornik, JSI & Uni Ljubljana
- A. Šiber, Institute of physics, Zagreb