Confined DNA

UKF “Crossing Borders” grant

A strong finish for “Confined DNA”

Confined DNA project collaborators have published further works in the field of nano/bio science, in journals Nano Letters (IF 13.6) and The Journal of Physical Chemistry C (IF 4.8).

SanjinRoman apaper

  •  S. Marion from Institute of physics published in Nano Lett. (IF=13.6 in 2014.) with our EPFL collaborators prof. A. Rađenović and R. Bulushev. The work “Relevance of the drag force during controlled translocation of a DNA-protein complex through a glass nanocapillary presents results of controlled translocation of individual DNA bound proteins with an optical tweezer trough 20-100 nm sized capillaries. The authors identified the contribution from electroosmotic flow in measured effective charge densities of DNA-protein complexes. This work represents the first step towards localizing binding sites of different proteins on DNA by nanopore methods. S. Marion contributed to the article trough interpretation and theoretical modeling of experimental results.

Ida Atidja paper

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