Confined DNA project collaborators have published further works in the field of nano/bio science, in journals Nano Letters (IF 13.6) and The Journal of Physical Chemistry C (IF 4.8).
Collaborators on the Confined DNA project have just published two works in Nano Letters and Macromolecules, journals of significant impact, among the best in their respective scientific fields.
Our team member, M. Lihter, after a training in the clean room at EPFL during the summer, is again there to produce a new series of 20 nm SiN membranes. (more…)
We finished one of our studies concerning polyelectrolyte mixtures, and submitted a paper “Polyelectrolyte composite: Hyaluronic acid mixture with DNA” to Macromolecules (Supporting info>>>).
Another QCM-D workshop was held at Institute of Physics, Zagreb, from 16.-18.10.2014. Our collaborators from JKU, Linz, Austria; IRB, Zagreb and PMF, Zagreb participated.
We (Vuletic, Lihter, Marion) have visited prof.Radenovic laboratory at EPFL, Lausanne. Initial tests of a new, compact, low-noise preamplifier for measurement of ionic currents across nanopores were performed. This one is to replace the Axopatch 200B, a standard, however rather expensive instrument. Nanopore devices to be further tested in Zagreb are being selected. Another fluidic cell that will be used in Zagreb (for connecting the device to measurement setup) was also prepared at EPFL.
Martina Lihter, a chemistry graduate from University of Zagreb joined (09/01/14) our team as our new PhD student. She will work closely with prof. Rađenović on a graphene nanopore device, mostly testing routes towards control of the DNA translocation time. This might allow for the detection of DNA sequence related signal variations in the device.
We have signed a procurement contract for the principal instrument to be obtained with UKF funding. This is Quartz Crystal Microbalance with Dissipation Monitoring, QCM-D. (more…)